The certificate you are referencing in your truststore is either
self-signed which will work ONLY on localhost
fraudulent which means the attributes used to create the cert do not match the credentials of either the CA client or server
You should contact your CA-Authority (which should be verisign or thawte) and re-acquire a valid certificate for 2way SSL authentication
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> To:
> Subject: ssl_error_rx_malformed_cert_request with two-way ssl authentication
> From:
> Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2012 08:45:17 -0500
> On Glassfish 3.1.1 I have two-way ssl authentication and cacerts.jks has 498
> certificates now. When I have 516 entries (size 487KB) the server is starting
> but when I try to connect is rising Secure Connection Failed SSL received a
> malformed Certificate Request handshake message Error code:
> ssl_error_rx_malformed_cert_request I tried ti increase the allocated memory
> - the same result. The only way to make it to run is to delete one
> certificate. Any idea? Regards, Gabriel
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'gabosu']
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