Glassfish 3.1 and liferay security?

From: Roel_D <>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 09:49:41 +0200

I am writing portlets for liferay and discovered strange behaivior.

I have a portlet where i have written my own java-class. Nothing fancy, just a small testclass that creates an image on the harddisk. At least that should..
I don't specify a path for the image.

When i used this portlet in liferay the image was created, no errors reported. After that i searched my harddrive and found the image back at domain/domain1/config.

To my humble opinion that was the last place where a portlet or a class could have written anything. Aspecially because it then could also read server.xml and create a security leakage.

Is this an error from me, liferay or from glassfish?

Kind regards,

The out-side