Re: SSL Client Certificate Error with v3 but not v2 using LDAPS

From: Kevin Schmidt <>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 13:27:07 -0700


Thanks for the response.

I did get the more debug output, and compared it when connecting from
within GlassFish with the output from a Java client doing the same and saw
it was a bit different.

After the ServerHelloDone, the GlassFish v3 debug output displays the
default self-signed certificate that is in its keystore, the Java client
output not displaying any certificate chain. So, as part of the SSL
handshake, is GlassFish going to send this self-signed cert simply because
it exists in the keystore even if it wasn't requested for client-cert
authentication? And did this change between v2 and v3?

If it does send it regardless, since it is the self-signed cert, is the
LDAP server (Oracle Directory Server 6.3) going to reject it solely because
it is self-signed even though it isn't doing client-cert authentication?



On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 7:10 AM, Quang Dang <> wrote:

> Hi,
> How does your application obtain the SSL socket/connection? Have you
> tried setting the system property on the client side
> to get more debug output?
> Quang
> On 9/27/12 1:22 AM, Kevin Schmidt wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an application running in GlassFIsh that makes a connection to an
> LDAP server using SSL and it works fine in GlassFish v2, but in v3 the SSL
> handshake fails with the LDAP server reporting this error:
> [25/Sep/2012:20:16:09 -0400] conn=8346156 op=-1 msgId=-1 - fd=69 slot=69
> LDAPS connection from to
> [25/Sep/2012:20:16:09 -0400] conn=8346156 op=-1 msgId=-1 - SSL error-8156
> (Issuer certificate is invalid.); unauthenticated client
> CN=sigma,OU=GlassFish,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Santa
> Clara,ST=California,C=US; issuer CN=sigma,OU=GlassFish,O=Oracle
> Corporation,L=Santa Clara,ST=California,C=US
> The LDAP server is not configured to require client certificate
> authentication, so I'm confused as to why a client certificate is being
> sent? My understanding of the handshake is that it would only be sent if
> the server requests it which it isn't doing.
> Did something change between v2 and v3 in how the SSL handshake is done
> for clients running in GlassFish and connecting to a resource using SSL?
> Is there certain configuration that I need to check or verify in v3 that
> may have defaulted to what works in v2 but not v3?
> Thanks,
> KEvin