Re: Odd permission issue starting GF on Mac OS X

From: <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 08:04:41 +0200

Did you try access the web-admin 4848 from remote?

2012.09.18. 3:25 keltezéssel, Noah White írta:
> I'm running Mac OS X 10.8.1 (Mountain Lion) and I usually start
> Glassfish ( as a non-root user with asadmin. That was working
> great until the other day. Then all of a sudden I started getting the
> following error:
> *"There is a process already using the admin port 4848 -- it probably
> is another instance of a GlassFish server.*
> *Command start-domain failed."*
> *
> *
> The thing is there isn't anything running on 4848.
> Finally, I tried running asadmin with sudo like so:
> sudo ./asadmin start-domain domain1
> Et voila that worked. Except for the fact that this has never
> required root privs before! So that got me thinking and the only
> other change I'd made recently was I set my host name which up until
> that point was the default one set when I installed Mountain Lion. The
> procedure I used to set my host name was to run scutil like so:
> sudo scutil --set HostName MyNewHostName
> So I decided to try to roll that change back and I ran:
> sudo scutil --set HostName
> That cleared the host name and the hostname command now returns the
> default one. Once I did that I was able to start GF w/asadmin without
> need the sudo.
> Any thoughts on this one? It seems to me that at the very least the
> error GF is reporting in this case is misleading. Perhaps the
> underlying cause is a general connection refused exception when it
> tries to bind to the port vs. a permissions exception and that why it
> reports the error as it does, but if the underlying cause is a
> permissions one then I think GF should report a more accurate message
> in response.
> -Noah
> --
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