Today I was preparing to take your patch on-line. However I noticed,
that (another weird timing) there was an update for the JVM.
> Upgrade: openjdk-7-jdk:amd64 (7~u3-2.1.1~pre1-1ubuntu3, 7u7-2.3.2-1ubuntu0.12.04.1),
The version of the OpenJDK is now at 2.3.2, and I suspect that it
might mitigate the problem, since there is noted work on the subject
in the changes.
So I am going to wait for a bit without your patch, hoping that the
updated JVM will fix the problem.
I decompiled your patch (sorry, but I feel uncomfortable running
unaudited code). I saw, that you're dumping the stack traces to
System.out, which in Glassfish is replaced with a logger, that too
uses locking. I have a hunch, that when the problem happens the system
will be unable to log. I am going to attempt to create a patch that
writes to a dedicated file, skipping the whole System.out ->
java.util.logging -> server.log.
I hope you will not consider your efforts wasted, and thank you for
the time spent.
2012/9/11 Oleksiy Stashok <oleksiy.stashok_at_oracle.com>:
> Hi,
> 1. Can I «upgrade» to using the update manager?
> If not, where can I read about the procedure for upgrading a
> production server?
> trying to figure that out, will let you know. Glassfish has fixes
> for JK connector [1], so it would really make sense for you, even though it
> doesn't have any file-descriptor related fixes.
> I took a look at my server. I can not find any reference to the JK
> Connector, but found out, that a number of the Installed Components
> are version Grizzly however is a weird version:
> glassfish-grizzly 1.9.50-1
> There are no available updates.
> That's ok, you have the latest Glassfish
> When you see the problem, pls. run netstat, it will help us to understand
> the type of connections, which consume descriptors.
> Done that!
> When the server hangs there are very few network connections. Less
> than 10 in any case, and I believe all of them are hot-spares, or
> keep-alive.
> When descriptors leak the overwhelming majority is consumed by PIPE
> and 0000 descriptors.
> I am attaching an excerpt of the lsof output (obfuscated).
> I took the liberty to post only 1K lines, because lsof output is
> more than 5MB, and will probably be dropped by the mail agent. Just
> imagine the last three lines (1 anon_inode + 2 pipe) repeating for the
> next 64967 lines more.
> There is only one JK request, that has been invoked from the Nagios
> system (pokes the port every 5 minutes or so).
> Ok, I've created a patch, which should help us to understand if the problem
> is related to NIO Selectors leaking.
> Pls. copy the attached file to {domain-folder}/lib/ext (on my machine it's
> glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/ext).
> In the GF domain.xml pls. add the following line:
> <jvm-options>-Djava.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider=debug.DebugSelectorProvider</jvm-options>
> Under <java-config> element (sending back your domain.xml file w/ the line
> added).
> After you restart the GF - you'll see lots of stacktraces in the server.log
> recording all the Selector.open() operations.
> Once you see the problem - we can check if number of allocated selectors is
> really high and see stacktraces of these allocations. So once you see the
> problem - pls. share the server.log* files (compress them before sending :))
> Thanks.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
> Thanks.
> No, no! Thank you!
> WBR,
> Alexey.
> [1] http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-18446
> 2012/9/10 Oleksiy Stashok <oleksiy.stashok_at_oracle.com>:
> Hi,
> can you pls. try GF version
> Also, if it's possible, pls. attach GF domain.xml.
> Thanks.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
> On 09/10/2012 10:45 AM, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
> Hello all...
> I have received no responses on this problem.
> I am still having this issue once or twice a week.
> After a number of searches in the past weeks I've gained little in
> terms of understanding what happens.
> In my search I found out a defect report against Oracle's JVM, that
> might be connected to the issue:
> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7118373
> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=2223521
> I also came up with a mention in some blog:
> http://blog.fuseyism.com/index.php/category/openjdk/
> (sorry, could not come up with a more legit source).
> From the blog post I can see, that the mentioned defect is noted in
> 'Release 2.3.0 (2012-08-15)', which is a funny two days after my post.
> May I have your comments? Does this sound like a OpenJDK defect? Is it
> possible that it has been fixed in the meantime? From the looks on my
> machine it seems it still uses OpenJDK 2.1.1 (openjdk-7-jdk
> 7~u3-2.1.1~pre1-1ubuntu3).
> Please advise!
> 2012/8/29 Lachezar Dobrev <l.dobrev_at_gmail.com>:
> Hello colleagues,
> Recently we switched from Tomcat to Glassfish.
> However I noticed, that at certain point (unknown as of yet) the
> Glassfish server stops responding. I can't even stop it correctly
> (asadmin stop-domain hangs!).
> - Ubuntu Server - 12.04 (precise)
> - Intel Xeon (x64 arch)
> - java version "1.7.0_03"
> - OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)
> - Glassfish 3.1.2 (no upgrades pending)
> The server serves via a JK Connector with a façade Apache server
> using
> mod_jk.
> The server runs only three applications (and the admin interface).
> All applications use Spring Framework. One uses JPA to a PostgreSQL on
> the local host, one uses an ObjectDB JPA, two use JDBC pool
> connections to a remote Microsoft SQL Server.
> The culprit seems to be some kind of File Descriptor leak.
> Initially the server died within a day or two. I had to increase
> the
> open files limit (s1024/h4096) to (s65536/h65536) thinking this may be
> just because too many files need to be opened. However that just
> postponed the server death to about one week uptime.
> I was able to make some checks at the latest crash, since I was
> awake in 3AM. What I found out was that there were an unbelievable
> number of lost (unclosed) pipes:
> java 30142 glassfish 467r FIFO 0,8 0t0 4659245 pipe
> java 30142 glassfish 468w FIFO 0,8 0t0 4659245 pipe
> java 30142 glassfish 469u 0000 0,9 0 6821 anon_inode
> java 30142 glassfish 487r FIFO 0,8 0t0 4676297 pipe
> java 30142 glassfish 488w FIFO 0,8 0t0 4676297 pipe
> java 30142 glassfish 489u 0000 0,9 0 6821 anon_inode
> The logs show a very long quiet period, just before the failure the
> log shows a normal log line from the actual server working (one of the
> applications).
> Then the log rolls and starts rolling every second. The failures
> start with (attached error_one.txt)
> The only line that has been obfuscated is the one with .... in it.
> The com.planetj... is a filter used to implement gzip compression
> (input and output) since I could not find how to configure that in
> Glassfish.
> The org.springframework... is obviously the Spring Framework.
> The log has an enormous amount (2835 for 19 seconds) of those
> messages. The messages are logged from within the same thread (same
> _ThreadID and _ThreadName), which leads me to believe all messages are
> a result of the processing of a single request.
> Afterwards the server begins dumping a lot of messages like
> (attached error_two.txt).
> The server is effectively blocked from that time on.
> At that point lsof shows 64K open files from Glassfish, the
> enormous
> majority being open popes (three descriptors each).
> I am at a loss here... The server currently needs either a periodic
> restart, or I need to 'kill' it when it blocks.
> I've been digging for this error around the Internet, and the
> closest I've seen has been due to not closing (leaking) Selectors.
> Please advise!