automate restart w/o user/pass using asadmin - GF2

From: <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 11:03:36 -0500 (CDT)

Hey all, were having a problem where under some corrupt data, etc GF is
taking up 2 much RAM eventually crashing with heap error. Can't find a way to
see a stack trace of what's it's actually doing, but simply restarting GF
fixes, and I'm tired of getting txt at night, so using nagios I have a
critical level and can set triggers, but I am testing and can't get it to
even start, asadmin help and forums show you can use --password or
passwdfile, but the password doens't work, and if I use a password file I am
getting; *asadmin start-domain --user admin --passwordfile
/var/lib/glassfish/docs/passwd domain1* **Default Log location is
/var/lib/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log. Incorrect master password
CLI156 Could not start the domain domain1. I don't ever remember setting a
'master password', just the admin user (which maybe the same), but if I issue
just an asadmin start-domain domain1, I get prompted for user/pass, enter and
it works. So how can I start allow it just to start either with the password
on the command line, or via passwd file. I am testing our apps under gf3 and
it simply starts w/o that info! Tnx

[Message sent by forum member 'xkaliburx']
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