Re: Date Bean Validation error when using Joda-time. ...

From: Vetle Roeim <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 16:29:58 +0200

I should have quoted the post I was replying to, but I forgot ...
Anyway, it's this one:
In summary, validation fails when using @Past and @Future, with this
error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

The good news is that after putting on my Sherlock Holmes attire and
investigating it for the better part of my working day, it seems that
there was reported a similar bug in JBoss AS 7: The bug is that Hibernate
Validator needs Joda Time, but it's not on its classpath. The solution
I opted for, was to repackage bean-validator.jar with joda-time. This
seems to work, but it's far from optimal.

Reported as a bug in GF here:

Have a nice day! :)

2012/8/16 Martin Gainty <>:
> Oracle employees are still on paid of the many Glassfish
> volunteers can help you if you publish your specific problem and which
> version of GF is causing error
> Mit Freundlichen Gruben
> Martin
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>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Date Bean Validation error when using Joda-time. ...
>> From:
>> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 07:47:27 -0500
>> Did you ever find a solution to this?
>> --
>> [Message sent by forum member 'vetler']
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