Re: (resend) how to set Oracle connection property in GlassFish admin web console?

From: Anissa Lam <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 10:08:40 -0700

Thats how you set the property for a connection pool in the console.
Maybe this property is not recognized ?
Let me ping the developers of the JDBC pool.


On 8/28/12 9:10 AM, wrote:
> Anyone have any ideas how to set this property?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *
> *To: *
> *Sent: *Monday, August 27, 2012 6:22:23 PM
> *Subject: *Re: (resend) how to set Oracle connection property in
> GlassFish admin web console?
> I also tried the following:
> 1. Log in
> 2. Click on JDBC under Resources
> 3. Click on JDBC Resources (this is the new step)
> 4. Click on my pool name of interest, myPool
> 5. Click the Additional Properties tab
> 6. Click Add Property
> 7. Enter SetFloatAndDoubleUseBinary in the Name column, and true in
> the Value column.
> 8. Restart the domain.
> However, the results are exactly the same as noted below.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 5:30:02 PM
> Subject: (resend) how to set Oracle connection property in GlassFish
> admin web console?
> Note: I somehow managed to link the original posting of the below
> question onto an unrelated thread. Please reply to this thread instead
> of the earlier one.
> I can connect fine to an Oracle 11.2 database using JDBC driver, a
> GlassFish connection pool, and the following Java code:
> import java.sql.*;
> import javax.sql.DataSource;
> import javax.naming.Context;
> import javax.naming.InitialContext;
> import javax.naming.NamingException;
> import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;
> ...
> Connection conn=null;
> // connect to database
> Context context = new InitialContext();
> DataSource ds = (DataSource)context.lookup("jdbc/myPool");
> conn = ds.getConnection();
> ...
> // set IN Parameters for stored procedure
> cs.setDouble(1, my_double_variable);
> ...
> But now I need to set the connection property
> SetFloatAndDoubleUseBinary to true. See page 4-16 here
> I'm attempting to do this using GlassFish admin web console. The steps
> I use are:
> 1. Log in
> 2. Click on JDBC under Resources
> 3. Click on JDBC Connection Pools
> 4. Click on my pool of interest, myPool
> 5. Click the Additional Properties tab
> 6. Click Add Property
> 7. Enter SetFloatAndDoubleUseBinary in the Name column, and true in
> the Value column.
> 8. Click Save. It reports New Values Saved Successfully.
> 9. I restart the domain I am going to use.
> Then I test the connection by passing a small number (e.g. 1234) for
> my_double_variable into an Oracle table column defined as
> BINARY_DOUBLE, which works fine.
> Then I set my_double_variable to a large number such as 1e200 and when
> I try to write this value in the column defined for BINARY_DOUBLE, I
> get an error:
> java.sql.SQLException: Internal Error: Overflow Exception trying to
> bind 1E200
> The overflow exception I think it's referring to is that Oracle NUMBER
> datatype can only go up to 1e127, whereas Java double or Oracle
> BINARY_DOUBLE can go up to 1e308. According to the Oracle
> documentation, SetFloatAndDoubleUseBinary is default equal to false,
> which causes the Java double variable to be converted to a NUMBER.
> However, by setting SetFloatAndDoubleUseBinary to true, this
> conversion to NUMBER datatype is avoided:
> "The SetFloatAndDoubleUseBinary connection property when set to true
> causes
> the JDBC standard APIs, setFloat(int, float), setDouble(int, double),
> and all the variations, to send internal binary bits instead of NUMBER
> bits."
> So from this simple experiment I conclude that I have not set
> SetFloatAndDoubleUseBinary correctly in GlassFish, or perhaps I need
> to reboot something related to Glassfish (besides restarting the
> domain) to make this change stick (?). Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?