Re: glassfish 3.1.1, VPS (max sockets 1024 + 1024 local sockets), config suggestions to avoid Too many open files problem

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:41:17 +0200

Hi Mladen,


The only thing we can try, when GF hangs - take threads dump (using
jstack for ex.), we'll see if it's GF or underlying network stack
stopped accepting connections.



On 07/25/2012 06:30 PM, Mladen Adamovic wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to see how to reproduce that problem I did face, shortly the
> problem was Glassfish (last version)hangs after a heavy load on
> Virtuozzo VPS.
> 1) I couldn't actually reproduce the problem on my localhost with the
> simple web app
> 2) I couldn't actually reproduce the problem at another VPS (the same
> provider Hosteurope and same VPS generation 5.0), running another
> non-DB app, neither DB app
> *Which means that I couldn't actually reproduce the problem using
> different app / similar VPS. *
> In that case I cannot actually file the bug, since I cannot write the
> steps to reproduce the problem, therefore I don't think Oleksiy that
> you can do much about it.
> Honestly, now it looks to me that it was more kind of Kernel TCP
> settings (under given Virtuozzo VPS instance) - Application Connection
> Usage problem rather than Glassfish problem.
> Thank you for your time,
> Mladen