Re: help w/ deployment structure

From: tomaz <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 09:59:26 +0200

I know that, but I would like to have war with this name but root doc I would like to change so that web application is accessible via test, is this
possible, because if I change context root when uploading war is working?

Regards, Tomaz

Dne 19.7.2012 16:00, piše Hong Zhang:
> The application.xml is optional so you don't have to include one. If you don't include one, the context root for web module in your case would default
> to "testwebapp-1_0", so when you access your web application, you need to access under /testwebapp-1_0 instead of /test.
> - Hong
> On 7/12/2012 4:14 PM, Shane wrote:
>> I have a *.war which uses struts and makes calls to an ejb within the
>> *.jar file. Both the *.war and *.jar are in a *.ear as follows.
>> $ jar tvf test-1_0.ear
>> 0 Thu Jul 12 12:35:26 GMT-06:00 2012 META-INF/
>> 106 Thu Jul 12 12:35:24 GMT-06:00 2012 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
>> 2017 Thu Jul 12 12:35:26 GMT-06:00 2012 test-1_0.jar
>> 3766170 Thu Jul 12 12:35:26 GMT-06:00 2012 testwebapp-1_0.war
>> Currently my META-INF/application.xml file is empty and I'm not sure
>> what I should have in that. I also can't seem to locate the index.jsp
>> (or index.action) when I put test/index.jsp in the URL of the browser.
>> The glassfish server.log is searching for it in domain1/docroot and
>> its not there. It is in domain1/applications where my *.ear is
>> deployed (using the localhost:4848 page).
>> If I unpack both of these, from within the *.ear, it looks as follows.
>> |-- META-INF
>> | |-- MANIFEST.MF
>> | `-- application.xml
>> |-- WEB-INF
>> | |-- Test.jsp
>> | |-- classes
>> | | |-- com
>> | | | `-- test
>> | | | `-- abc
>> | | | `-- app1
>> | | | `-- TestAction.class
>> | | |-- log4j.dtd
>> | | |-- log4j.xml
>> | | `-- struts.xml
>> | |-- index.jsp
>> | |-- lib
>> | | |-- asm-3.3.jar
>> | | |-- asm-commons-3.3.jar
>> | | |-- asm-tree-3.3.jar
>> | | |-- commons-fileupload-1.2.2.jar
>> | | |-- commons-io-2.0.1.jar
>> | | |-- commons-lang-2.4.jar
>> | | |-- commons-lang3-3.1.jar
>> | | |-- freemarker-2.3.19.jar
>> | | |-- javassist-3.15.0-GA.jar
>> | | |-- ognl-3.0.5.jar
>> | | |-- struts2-core-2.3.4.jar
>> | | `-- xwork-core-2.3.4.jar
>> | `-- web.xml
>> |-- com
>> | `-- test
>> | `-- abc
>> | `-- app1
>> | `-- TestBean.class
>> Anyone have ideas where I may be going wrong?