Re: Glassfish Server Hangs using SCR JAR built from Felix Trunk

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 20:27:16 +0530

There is no deadlock. How do you conclude the server freezes? What
operation are you trying that's not retuning? I don't even see any user
operation in the stack and you said you tried to update a bundle. That
would have shown up in some stack.

On Thursday 12 July 2012 06:44 PM, Nick Marcucci wrote:
> I'm currently working on a project in which I'm running a web bundle in a Glassfish 3.1.1 server instance. For a fix to a problem with my web bundle declaring a declarative service, I had to build the SCR jar from the trunk of the Apache Felix project.
> This solved my original problem but introduced another. My Glassfish server hangs/freezes when I try to update an existing bundle. Specifically when I try to update my web bundle.
> I've run jstack on the process and it does not indicate that there is any deadlock. I've also tried with the original SCR jar that is shipped with the server download and the problem does not occur. I've also tried the 1.6 release of the SCR jar and the problem does not occur, but it does not fix my original problem.
> I have already contacted the apache felix mailing list, but I figured it would be best to try here also. I've attached the jstack output for the ASMain of Glassfish.
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Nick