Re: GF and a generic JAAS LoginModule

From: kumarjayanti <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 08:45:51 +0530

See if these help.

On Jul 8, 2012, at 2:17 AM, Christopher Piggott wrote:

> HI,
> I have been searching around and see this question a few places, but
> no clear answer (that I could find). I want to implement my own
> LoginModule, but I don't want to have it extend
> AppservPasswordLoginModule for two reasons: I don't want it to be
> glassfish-specific, and I want to be able to use my own Principal.
> I ran across something in pastebin from some time back:
> and that guy is having the exact same problem as me: when my
> LoginModule's login() tries to use the NON-NULL CallbackHandler passed
> in during LoginModule.initialize() a NullPointerException is thrown.
> The way my LoginManager is actually getting invoked is a GlassFish
> realm I wrote that includes this
> @Override
> public synchronized String getJAASContext() {
> System.out.println("Returning JAAS context string");
> return "customRealm";
> }
> My LoginModule is linked in through GF's login.conf as something like:
> customRealm {
> com.something.that.implements.LoginModule required;
> };
> So my questions are:
> 1) Is what I am trying to do even possible, or is there NO WAY to hook
> into container-based authentication without extending
> AppserverPasswordLoginModule? (I could go back to using a Jersey
> servlet request filter, but I really prefer to let the container
> handle the auth).
> 2) Can you use a LoginModule without a Realm? If so, how? I tried
> putting the name of the jaas context in web.xml but that didn't work
> (I didn't really think it would, anyway)
> 3) Suppose this is impossible. What I really need to do is attach
> some extra information into the SecurityContext. It's not really
> "groups" or "roles," it's really a bit of configuration information
> that Jersey resource classes need to know to do their jobs,
> associating a login with a customer and database names. Is there some
> other way I can use something extends AppserverPasswordLoginModule,
> but be able to use my own Principal rather than GF's PrincipalImpl ?
> Thanks so much,
> --Chris