Re: _at_Resource injection for IBM MQ topic in GF V3

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 09:55:46 +0100

Interesting. Thank you for posting this. I think someone should investigate the reason for the difference between the
admin console and asadmin here. Could you please log this in the issue tracker?



On 21/06/2012 02:10, Comerford, Sean wrote:
> This started out as a cry for help but I figured out the answer before completing the email :-)
> Wanted to send anyway (with answer) for the next guy trying to get @Resource injection of a Websphere MQ topic working
> on Glassfish V3 using IBM's wmq.jmsra resource adapter.
> Long story short, do NOT use the admin console to create your topic's Admin Object Resource in V3 even though that
> worked in V2! V3 console forces the attribute c/*lass-*/*name="" *on you
> which results in @Resource injection of said topic not working
> Simply use *asadmin create-admin-object *directly so you end up with something like this in your domain.xml:
> /<admin-object-resource res-adapter="wmq.jmsra-" res-type="javax.jms.Topic" jndi-name="jms/NBATopic">/
> /<property name="baseTopicName" value="SA/NBA"></property>/
> /<property name="baseQueueManagerName" value="QM_ESPN_01_DEV"></property>/
> /</admin-object-resource>/
> If you use the admin console you get something like this - note the class-name attribute which results in the resource
> injection not working (guessing that IBM class not @Resource compliant?).
> /<admin-object-resource enabled="false" res-adapter="wmq.jmsra-" res-type="javax.jms.Topic" description=""
> jndi-name="jms/NBATopic2" /
> /class-name="">/
> /<property name="baseTopicName" value="SA/NBA"></property>/
> /<property name="baseQueueManagerName" value="QM_ESPN_01_DEV"></property>/
> /</admin-object-resource>/
> Here's the long back story / full instructions on how to set up Glassfish to talk to Websphere MQ using the IBM RA:
> 1. Install IBM RA far to GF instance (your MQ distro should come with a file named something like
> wmq.jmsra- which can be deployed directly)
> 2. Create a connector connection pool specifying wmq.jmsra- as the resource adapter and
> javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory as the definition (seems it has to be TopicConnectionFactory not generic
> ConnectionFactory). We set "NoTransaction" and then set the following properties: transportType; channel;
> hostName;, queueManager; port. The connection factory can be pinged successfully in both V2 and V3.
> 3. Create a Connector Resource pointing to the connection pool created in step 2.
> 4. Create a Connector Admin Object Resource jms/NBATopic of type javax.jms.Topic specifying the wmq.jmsra adapter and
> the topic + queue manager properties required by the IBM RA. *NOTE*: if you try step 4 using the GF V2 admin
> console, all is good. If you try it using the V3 admin console, you will run into the class-name attribute problem
> described above and no workey – so use asadmin create-admin-object in V3!!!*
> Then the code to get the topic and publish to it is pretty simple and looks something like this:
> @Resource(mappedName = "jms/SPORTSQMTCF")
> private TopicConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
> @Resource(mappedName = "jms/NBATopic")
> private Topic topic;
> …
> public void send(String msg) throws Exception {
> connection = connectionFactory.createTopicConnection();
> session = connection.createTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
> messageProducer = session.createProducer(topic);
> textMessage = session.createTextMessage();
> textMessage.setText(request.getParameter("msgText"));
> messageProducer.send(textMessage);
> }
> Hope this helps someone :-)
> --
> Sean Comerford
> Site Architecture