Cannot properly deploy WAB, getting NullPointerException

From: Peter Penzov <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 22:42:35 +0300

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I'm getting very strange error in Glassfish 3.1.2. I have a WAB package
with Primefaces. I get this error them I open the WAB:

Jun 6, 2012 9:34:06 PM com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
INFO: JVM invocation command line:
Jun 6, 2012 9:34:06 PM com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
INFO: Successfully launched in 9 msec.
GlassFish Version: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.2 (build

Framework 1.9.46 started in: 143ms - bound to []|#]

Framework 1.9.46 started in: 73ms - bound to []|#]

Framework 1.9.46 started in: 16ms - bound to []|#]

Framework 1.9.46 started in: 20ms - bound to []|#]

Framework 1.9.46 started in: 19ms - bound to []|#]

Admin Console is already installed, but not yet loaded.|#]

[#|2012-06-06T21:34:12.356+0300|INFO|glassfish3.1.2||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|Registered for
persistence-type = replicated in BackingStoreFactoryRegistry|#]

Application previously deployed is not at its original location any
more: file:/opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1//applications/History-Module-57-1.0-SNAPSHOT/|#]

Server Open Source Edition 3.1.2 (23) startup time : Felix (4,005ms),
startup services(2,027ms), total(6,032ms)|#]

JMXStartupService had Started JMXConnector on JMXService URL

Admin Console is already installed, but not yet loaded.|#]

Admin Console is starting. Please wait.|#]

Created HTTP listener [http-listener-1] on host/port []|#]

Created HTTP listener [http-listener-2] on host/port []|#]

Created HTTP listener [admin-listener] on host/port []|#]

Created virtual server [server]|#]

Created virtual server [__asadmin]|#]

Virtual server [server] loaded default web module []|#]

Security Manager is OFF.|#]

= server|#]

default web.xml|#]

= StandardEngine[glassfish-web].StandardHost[server].StandardContext[/osgi]|#]

default web.xml|#]

= StandardEngine[glassfish-web].StandardHost[__asadmin].StandardContext[/osgi]|#]

Entering Security Startup Service|#]

Loading policy provider|#]


Realm [admin-realm] of classtype
[] successfully

Realm [file] of classtype
[] successfully

Realm [certificate] of classtype
successfully created.|#]

Security Service(s) Started Successfully|#]

Mojarra 2.1.9 (SNAPSHOT 20120531-1326) for context ''|#]

Validator 4.2.0.Final|#]

on PrimeFaces 3.3|#]

Loading application [__admingui] at [/]|#]

Loading application __admingui done in 14,648 ms|#]

Admin Console application is loaded.|#]

[] from host localhost does not have administration access|#]

EjbThreadPoolExecutor with thread-core-pool-size 16
thread-max-pool-size 32 thread-keep-alive-seconds 60
thread-queue-capacity 2147483647 allow-core-thread-timeout false |#]

Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.11 12/09/2011 10:27 AM'|#]

Listening to REST requests at context: /management/domain|#]

to /login.jsf|#]

Console: Initializing Session Attributes...|#]

deployed application at
not found|#]

current value of component
propertyForm:deployTable:topActionsGroup1:filter does not match any of
the selections.
Did you forget to reset the value after changing the options? |#]

deployment: uploadToTempfile|#]


com.DX_57.History-Module-57 [311] from

com.DX_57.History-Module-57 [311]|#]

was successfully deployed in 1,110 milliseconds.|#]

at file:/tmp/osgiapp3530448283957423910/|#]

file open failure; file =

in opening zip file -- invalid zip file:

file open failure; file =

in opening zip file -- invalid zip file:

while parsing file
    at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.InputJarArchive$ArchiveJarEntrySource.<init>(
    at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.InputJarArchive$ArchiveJarEntrySource.<init>(
    at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.InputJarArchive.createEntryEnumeration(
    at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.InputJarArchive.entries(
    at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.InputJarArchive.entries(
    at com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ReadableArchiveScannerAdapter.onSelectedEntries(
    at org.glassfish.hk2.classmodel.reflect.Parser.doJob(
    at org.glassfish.hk2.classmodel.reflect.Parser.access$300(
    at org.glassfish.hk2.classmodel.reflect.Parser$
    at org.glassfish.hk2.classmodel.reflect.Parser$
    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

file open failure; file =

in opening zip file -- invalid zip file:

file open failure; file =

in opening zip file -- invalid zip file:

file open failure; file =

in opening zip file -- invalid zip file:

1.1.4 (Final)|#]

file open failure; file =

in opening zip file -- invalid zip file:

number of classes with faces annotation = 0|#]

Mojarra 2.1.9 (SNAPSHOT 20120531-1326) for context '/test'|#]

Config uris excluding the ones named as faces-config.xml = []|#]

Config uris = [embeddedjar:bundle://311.0:0/WEB-INF/lib/primefaces-3.3.jar!/META-INF/primefaces-p.taglib.xml]|#]

on PrimeFaces 3.3|#]

jndi:/server/test/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml for modifications|#]

Loading application [com.DX_57.History-Module-57_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT] at

ServletContext as a service with properties:
osgi.web.version=1.0.0.SNAPSHOT, osgi.web.contextpath=/test} |#]

bundle com.DX_57.History-Module-57 [311] at

I restarted the server and I cleaned /tmp directory, but this doesn't help?
Any I ideas where might be the problem?

In order to use Primefaces into WAB I added this configuration into the WAB
file. Maybe something is wrong here:

                            <!-- Read all OSGi configuration info from
this optional file -->
                            <!-- By default, we don't export anything -->
                            <Export-Package>!*.impl.*, *</Export-Package>
                            <DynamicImport-Package>javax.*, org.*,





Wow! I opened the file Bundle311.jar with archive manager and I get this
message: Archive: /home/rcbandit/.cache/.fr-d7GzLk/Bundle316.jar
[/home/rcbandit/.cache/.fr-d7GzLk/Bundle316.jar] End-of-central-directory
signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes
one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory
and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive.
zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of
/home/rcbandit/.cache/.fr-d7GzLk/Bundle316.jar or
/home/rcbandit/.cache/.fr-d7GzLk/, and cannot find
/home/rcbandit/.cache/.fr-d7GzLk/Bundle316.jar.ZIP, period. Maybe the
archive is wrong and it's not deployed correctly

I thing the problem is caused by malformed .jar file. But why?