Re: JDBC configuration in a clustered glassfish

From: Henning Verbeek <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 21:47:08 +0200

Hi Andreas,

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 8:16 PM, Andreas Loew <>wrote:

> Am 24.05.2012 17:47, schrieb Henning Verbeek:
>> My requirement (deploy the same app unchanged onto multiple clusters,
>> managed by the same DAS, and have the container provide different DB
>> connections to the clusters) seems not possible. It seems I need a second
>> DAS. Is this correct?
> you are completely correct that you will need a second DAS - and, IMHO,
> for good reason:

Thank you for the confirmation.

> A domain combines/groups a set of GF installations (i.e. standalone
> managed servers and clusters) for a particular environment (a.k.a.
> "domain"), such as (in its broadest definition), your production domain,
> integration testing domain, unit testing and development domain - or even
> smaller (sub)domains for particular (subsets of your) applications.

I'm not a product architect, so please excuse my statement, but I disagree.
My (limited) experience with glassfish is not necessarily consistent with
your statement. I can deploy different applications to different clusters.
I can set JVM settings different per cluster, or change transactional
service behaviour... ejb timer service... So in my eyes, I understand DAS
as "administration server of multiple domains", not of essentially a single

Having something so essential as container-provided resources in what I
still consider a global namespace... I don't like it, and it doesn't fit my
expectation of cloud platform. Even looking at a two-cluster production
system ("blue/green" approach), I'd need two DAS for that...

Anyway, thanks for your quick and concise response, certainly clears things
up for me. Would it be possible to look at this as part of a feature

Btw, I really really love the cluster features as I have experienced them
so far! With just two commands I can horizontally scale my application and
know that the additional instances are perfectly configured. Good job!

Again thanks and best regards!

My other signature is a regular expression.