Re: ejb-jar.xml assembly-descriptor question: interceptor recognized, but not loaded?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 21:52:28 -0400

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 8:19 PM, Laird Nelson <> wrote:

> The problem is either with my understanding of the <ejb-name> element or
> Glassfish's resolution of it.

Must have been my understanding (not surprised); an <ejb-name> of
PersonBean works just fine.

It's when I add the <method> stanza. I am using style #3 on page 563 of
the EJB 3.1 specification. Here is the specification's example of the


Note the <method> stanza.

Mine works if I use style #2--that is, if I omit the <method> stanza
altogether. My interceptor is fired on all methods of PersonBean,
including the one I want:


...but my interceptor is not created or fired if I put in the name of the
method that I would like intercepted. It is as though the method is
silently ignored.

When I use style #2, I made sure my interceptor outputs the name of the
method ("persist", in my case). I used that value for the <method-name>
element in style #3. No luck.
I'm wondering if inheritance is an issue here.

My stateless EJB (PersonBean) inherits from an abstract class (non-EJB;
AbstractDAO) that implements DAO, an interface.

My EJB also directly implements PersonManager, another interface.


public class PersonBean extends AbstractDAO implements PersonManager...

The persist method signature is defined in DAO and implemented in

I figured that the proper way to refer to this was:


...although strictly speaking PersonBean does not override or otherwise
directly declare the "persist" method (that is declared in his superclass).

Soldiering onwards!

