ejb-jar.xml assembly-descriptor question: interceptor recognized, but not loaded?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 19:39:44 -0400

OK, this one has me baffled.

I have an .ear file.

It contains an ejb jar file at the root. This is listed as an EJB module
in application.xml and functions properly.

The .ear file also has a lib directory. Classes etc. are loaded from it
just fine; the app works normally.

Inside the lib directory is another jar with an interceptor in it.

The ejb jar file has a deployment descriptor inside its META-INF directory,
named ejb-jar.xml.

I am attempting to get an interceptor class--present in the interceptor
jar--to get bound to a particular method in a particular EJB in the ejb
jar. This is Java EE 101 stuff. I cannot get it to work.

Attempt #1:

Interceptor class was annotated with @Interceptor, but there was no
<interceptor> stanza in my deployment descriptor. (The interceptor-binding
stanza was present.)

Result: failure. The interceptor was never found or created.

Attempt #2:

Interceptor class was annotated with @Interceptor, and, in addition, I
placed an <interceptor> stanza in my deployment descriptor.

Result: failure. The interceptor was never found or created.

Attempt #3:

Interceptor class was annotated with @Interceptor, and, in addition, I
placed an <interceptor> stanza in my deployment descriptor, but this time
specified a bogus class name.

Result: failure, but Glassfish barfed at deploy time telling me that there
was no such interceptor class. This tells me that the deployment
descriptor is found and read.

Here is my deployment descriptor in its entirety, with comments.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ejb-jar xmlns=""

 <!-- this stanza isn't relevant to the current problem, but note the
ejb-name here. -->


    <!-- without this stanza, the interceptor is not found. -->
    <!-- with this stanza, the interceptor is not found. -->
    <!-- The interceptor class referenced below is in a jar file in the
.ear file's lib directory. -->
    <!-- If the class name is switched to BOGUS, deployment fails. This
tells me the DD is being read. -->
      <!-- the presence or absence of the following stanza makes no
difference. -->

      <!-- The presence or absence of this stanza makes no difference. -->


Surely I am missing something profoundly obvious. Any help greatly

