JDBC configuration in a clustered glassfish

From: Henning Verbeek <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 17:47:06 +0200

Hi there,

I'm trying to deploy a JEE app on two clusters managed by the same DAS (one
cluster is a test-system, the other one is for integration-tests). Both
clusters should use separate (MySQL-)DBs, but the app is accessing it via
the same JNDI name.

What I'm now learning is that JDBC connection pools and resources aren't
cluster-specific configuration! They are in a kind of "global namespace"
(anything that a DAS manages). Obviously I can create a reference into the
relevant cluster-config, but I cannot specify the target JNDI name.

My requirement (deploy the same app unchanged onto multiple clusters,
managed by the same DAS, and have the container provide different DB
connections to the clusters) seems not possible. It seems I need a second
DAS. Is this correct?


My other signature is a regular expression.