Re: Best mailing list to start a Java EE configuration discussion?

From: John Clingan <>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 16:48:43 -0700

Laird, try posting here:

On May 9, 2012, at 3:36 PM, John Clingan wrote:

> Hi Laird. To better understand the use case, do you use any tooling to facilitate this or is this all via CLI? Is this during development, production, or moving an app from dev->test->pre-prod->production?
> On May 9, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Laird Nelson wrote:
>> I've bumped into this for the 324th time in my career and I may have finally had enough. :-)
>> The mechanism that Java EE uses for configuring existing .*ar files in Java EE is just so unbelievably frustrating. Need to change an EJB's environment entry? Crack open the .ear, find the appropriate .jar, crack it open, edit the ejb-jar.xml file, reassemble a new .jar, then reassemble the .ear file. Ugh. Or for more dynamic stuff like role-to-security-system-group mapping: do the same thing, but now with the glassfish-web.xml file, or whatever JBoss is using these days, or, if your .ear file is supposed to deploy on both of them, then both files.
>> I understand what the existing Java EE specification was going for here (separation of roles, single deployment unit, etc.). But surely there must be a better way that nevertheless preserves most if not all of these goals?
>> So that I do not clog up this list (if it's not the right place to kick this around): where would be the best place to start this discussion?
>> Thanks,
>> Laird
>> --