Different Resource Adapter Configs but a single RAR file?

From: <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 21:14:41 -0600 (CST)


GF OSE 3.1.2  (jdk 1.6,31)

I have a domain running DAS ('server-config') , and then I created 2
standalone instances: 01 and 02.   Each using a copy of  'default-config'.
    This is all on one machine  (fedora 15).

After caring for slf logging jars at the DAS, and 2 instances, I use the the
DAS to deploy  a rar  (amq 5.5.1 RAR), targeting 01 and 02.   Restarting
all three and I get OK looking logs in all 3 and some noise in 01 and 02 logs
that RAR is loaded and OK. 

Now I go to create a RA config.  

Since I am going to run an embedded broker (it is inside the RAR)  on each
01 and 02 (not on DAS instance)  and I want each to have its broker
available to network clients I figured I just have 2 RA configs with
different port for each broker. 

NOTE:   I have already set-up a test domain, no instances,  and deployed
the rar to the server instance and made a RA config and got this single
instance working.

BUT where I am stuck is (using OSE GF admin console; haven't tried with

  1) How can I create 2 different RA configs for same RAR  but those configs
     belong to the seperate server instances ?     OR
  2) I can create 2 RA configs with distinct names and containing the props I
     need for the RAR, but they don't seem to be tied to the actuall RAR.  
     Where/How do I tell each server instance to use a specific RAconfig when
     intializing its RAR? 

There are a couple of  ways I think I can work around this:   deploy RAR
once for 01 and again for 02 (same rar file; diff names) and then have
disticnt RAConfigs;   Don't have 01 and 02 under same DAS (no clustering is

But it seems to me that RA configs should support this some how.   

I am wrong?   Am I missing something?  Besides the work-arounds, is there a
way to do this?





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