Re: DAS can't see remote instance as running when GMS can

From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:02:36 -0500 (CDT)

it looks to me that when calling list-instances the DAS will try to call two
nodes, but both nodes are the local one (i25).

The messages are sent twice, never any mention of the remote node. And the
Signature below is logged twice, both time for the local instance.

https://[...local node IP]:24848/__asadmin/__locations|#]
auth info: User: admin, Password: <null>|#]
Instance-Root_name: Instance-Root^M
Pid_name: Pid^M
Domain-Root_value: [...]/i25^M
keys: Config-Dir;Instance-Root;Domain-Root;Uptime;Base-Root;Restart-Re^M
Config-Dir_name: Config-Dir^M
Instance-Root_value: [...]/i25^M
use-main-children-attribute: false^M
Base-Root_value: /var/glassfish^M
Base-Root_name: Base-Root^M
Restart-Required_name: Restart-Required^M
message: [...]/i25^M
Uptime_name: Uptime^M
Pid_value: 25449^M
Restart-Required_value: false^M
Domain-Root_name: Domain-Root^M
exit-code: SUCCESS^M
Uptime_value: 140649^M/

[Message sent by forum member 'benjamin_m']
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