GlassFish ORB version 2 becomes unresponsive

From: <>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 01:34:21 -0500 (CDT)

Please help us debug and resolve this issue.
PROBLEM: ORB becomes unresponsive
VERSION: GlassFish ORB version 2
(1) We tried to attach to orbd with VisualVM and no java processes were
listed as available to attach...jvisualvm output was not possible to collect.
(2) We tried attaching to it with jconsole and this time the process showed
up as available for attachment, but when when we tried to connect to it, it
just showed connecting for about a minute, then gave an error saying
"Connected Failed: Retry". We could not connect it. We could not collect
jconsole output.
(3) We tried to run jstack against orbd and got the following error: "Unable
to open door: target process not responding or HotSpot VM not loaded."
We tried to run jstack again with the -F option and was able to get the
output to a file. Please find attached "jstack.txt".

[Message sent by forum member 'naveenarora']
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