Re: Glassfish via AJP connector very slow

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:17:50 +0100

On 03/21/2012 02:05 PM, Rainer Frey wrote:
> On 21.03.2012, at 13:49, Glenn Holmer wrote:
>> See also:
> Can anyone provide more info what that means in practice:
>> GlassFish 3.1.2 will be using Grizzly for ajp implementation.
In Glassfish 3.1.2 we started to use Grizzly based AJP provider to make
features like Comet and Servlet 3.x Async work behind Apache server
(didn't work w/ the former AJP provider implementation).

> Esp. does this mean the threadpool size should be reduced to the size of the regular HTTP threadpools?
There is no need to reduce anything. You can assign custom thread-pool
to an AJP network-listener using standard asadmin commands or web admingui.
Starting from GF 3.1.2 there is no need to provide external jk-config
file in order to configure thread-pool.

Hope it helps.
