Hey everybody,
I started to setup a cluster using Glassfish 3.1.2 to replace a standalone
3.1 domain. This cluster consist of two machines, with the first machine
running both an instance and the DAS(same IP, different ports). All this has
Apache with mod_jk in front.
For some reason the web console always show the remote instance (controlled
via SSH) as not started and asadmin list-instances shows has off and weirdly
running on the same IP as the DAS and first instance. Trying to run stop
cluster will not attempt to stop the remote instance so that must be done on
the machine via stop-local-instance.
GMS on the other hand shows both instances as started, instances and DAS all
apear with the correct IP addresses and instance logs show correctly JOIN
This reeally complicates administration and I think it leads to more issues
like EJB Timer being executed on both instances in parallel even though they
share a common MySQL timer table with a XA JDB resource.
What could be causing this?
[Message sent by forum member 'benjamin_m']
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