asadmin and port 118?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 17:27:12 -0400

Color me puzzled.

Attempting to create a domain like so, and it's failing telling me port 118
is in use. I didn't know (or read) that asadmin used port 118. The best
list of ports that I could find that Glassfish's domains use by default is
accessible from here:

Google searches on various common sense combinations of asadmin and port
118 came back empty.

If it helps, there is currently a JBoss instance on the box that is running
(on HTTP port 8080 and others) that I am not permitted to take down--and in
any event I want to understand what's going on.

JXdevi: ./bin/asadmin create-domain --nopassword --portbase=70 jx
Port 118 is in use.
Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] create-domain
        [--adminport <adminport(default:4848)>] [--portbase <portbase>]
        [--template <template>] [--domaindir <domaindir>]
        [--instanceport <instanceport(default:8080)>]
        [--domainproperties <domainproperties>]
        [--keytooloptions <keytooloptions>]
        [-?|--help[=<help(default:false)>]] domain_name
Command create-domain failed.

How would I work around a port 118 conflict? Port 118 is apparently a
well-known TCP port for "SQL services", whatever those are.

My apologies if this is a rudimentary question.

