Re: Stale files when undeploying web app on Glassfish 3

From: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 21:38:43 -0400

    Just to make sure we understand the problem correctly. Please see my
questions in line:

On 3/14/2012 4:49 AM, wrote:
> Here's what I've done.
> 1) Create a new fresh domain on the NFS
> 2) Deploy a dummy web-app containing one jar file in the lib
> 3) Restart GF (it seems that this step helps to provoke the error)
> 4) Undeploy the web app.
> 5) List the deploy directory (ls -R), got the following output:
> /Web-App-6.6.6-SNAPSHOT/:
> .glassfishStaleFiles
> Web-App-6.6.6-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF:
> lib
> Web-App-6.6.6-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib:
> .nfs0000000000154ac100000002
> /
So no jars left here under the lib directory after undeployment?

> The contents of the .glassfFishStaleFiles is:
> /WEB-INF// /WEB-INF/lib// /WEB-INF/lib/.nfs0000000000154ac100000002/
> 6) Restart GF
> 7) List the deploy directory (ls -R), got the following output:
> /Web-App-6.6.6-SNAPSHOT/:/ /.glassfishStaleFiles / /WEB-INF/
> /Web-App-6.6.6-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF:/ /lib/
> /Web-App-6.6.6-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib:
> /One can see that the stale files are gone but the
> .glassFishStaleFiles
> is still there.
> 8) Deploy the web app again with the same application path
> It now fails complaining:
> [#|2012-03-14T09:30:08.958+0100|INFO|glassfish3.1.1|org.glassfish.admingui|_ThreadID=26;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|Exception
> Occurred :Error occurred during deployment: There is no installed
> container capable of handling this application
> Web-App-6.6.6-SNAPSHOT.
> Please see server.log for more details.|#] My guess it complains
> about
> the .glassFishStaleFiles
> 9) List the deploy directory (ls -R), got the following output:
> /Web-App-6.6.6-SNAPSHOT/:/ /.glassfishStaleFiles
The directory after deployment just has this .glassfishStaleFiles and no
other directories/files (no jar in the WEB-INF/lib)?


- Hong
> /So this time it seems to have remove even more of the files that
> were
> still there after the initial undeploy.
> However the contents of the .glassFishStaleFiles is still the same as
> before.
> I'll also upload the server.log for closer inspection. /Peter
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'DMoniX']
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