Re: ERROR : Starting a GlassFish-managed broker directly

From: <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2012 05:47:04 -0600 (CST)

Dear Nigel!

Thank you very much for your circumstantial answer.

I am learning EJB 3.1 message-driven bean development with its deployment on
GlassFish 3.1.1 application server (AS) by means of Eclipse Indigo.

For this bean it is needed a destination in AS (by name AsyncLeaguePlanet of
type Queue for my bean, by the way I decided that it was a physical
destination in terms of GlassFish Message Queue: is it correct?) and a
connection factory (by name ConnectionFactory in my case).

I opened MQ Administration Guide to create the destination. (Should I open
another doc for this purpose?).This Guide sent me to the MQ Technical
Overview. I just read about 55 pages from 134 and decided to return to the

 I did not detect any mention about GlassFish default broker by name
'imqbroker' from the beginning of this Guide. But I detected instructions to
create a physical destination within a user created broker that must be
launched via imqbrokerd before addition the physical destination to the
broker. In accordance with the instrcutions I:

- launched MQ Adm. Console,

-  as MQ Adm. Console has no any Brokers and Object Stores at first (if you
open Object Stores or Brokers nodes at the left panel) created broker

- launched it via 'imqbrokerd -name ByBroker',

- connected to MyBroker within MQ Adm. Console,

- added AsyncLeaguePlanet physical destination in MyBroker,

- created an Object Store by name MyObjectStore with a destination
administered object that I tied to AsyncLeaguePlanet physical destination,

- created a connection factory by name ConnectionFactory in MyObjectStore.

As I understood from your answer my actions were wrong: I should execute my
actions within the default broker 'imqbroker'. But how should I find
imqbroker within MQ Adm. Console ?  

What is correct actions sequence to create a physical destination ?   



Sorry for my English.




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