Re: GF 3.1.1: package-applient / appclient?

From: Bernhard Thalmayr <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 18:56:53 +0100

Here you are Tim ... but I'm not sure it's that helpful .. .as I said
it's localized (German) error message.

I put '_at_echo on' in the script and it seems the error happens in the
last 'for loop'
C:\>for %a in ("c:\Temp\appclient\glassfish\bin\../lib/gf-client.jar") do set XC


C:\>for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %a in (`C:\"C:\Programme\Java\jdk1.7.0_01"\bin\ja
va.exe -classpath c:\Temp\APPCLI~1\GLASSF~1\lib\GF-CLI~1.JAR org.glassfish.appcl
ient.client.CLIBootstrap`) do set javaCmd=%a
Die Syntax für den Dateinamen, Verzeichnisnamen oder die Datenträgerbezeichnung
ist falsch.


On 1/23/12, Tim Quinn <> wrote:
> Bernhard,
> Can you send me the error message? Does it contain a file spec (full
> or partial)?
> - Tim
> On Jan 23, 2012, at 11:32 AM, Bernhard Thalmayr wrote:
>> Hi Tim, there are no spaces at all in the path I use. However '8.3'
>> filename syntax would only be possible If I change the default
>> 'glassfish' directory inside the packaged appclient as this directory
>> name has already 9 characters.
>> I extracted the appclient within C:\temp.
>> -Bernhard
>> On 1/23/12, Tim Quinn <> wrote:
>>> On Jan 23, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Bernhard Thalmayr wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the additional information Tim, much appreciated.
>>>> When JIRA is accessible again I will file some bugs.
>>> Please see Rebecca's earlier response that these have been fixed for
>>> 3.1.2.
>>>> However I still did not get the packaged appclient to work.
>>>> I used the package-appclient script on a Server and downloaded the
>>>> jar
>>>> to a Windows XP client.
>>>> After expanding it I changed the JAVA in 'asenv.bat' and adopted
>>>> 'sun-acc.xml' (within <appclient-install-dir>domains
>>>> \domain1\config).
>>>> However when I try to launch 'appclient.bat'
>>>> (<appclient-install-dir>\bin\appclient.bat -client
>>>> <path-to-client-jar>) I get an error ... unfortunately it's a
>>>> localized one ... something like 'incorrect syntax for filename,
>>>> directoryname or drivename.
>>> One quick thought - If any paths contain a space that might be
>>> causing
>>> a problem. You could try defining any such paths using the 8.3 file
>>> name syntax (e.g., \Docume~1\etc) and see if that helps, at least to
>>> get you past this hurdle. Certainly blanks in file paths should work
>>> but maybe they don't.
>>> - Tim
>>>> Could you please provide an example how to make the packaged
>>>> appclient
>>>> run correctly?
>>>> I've already read any documentation/blog/FAQ I could find but
>>>> without success.
>>>> TIA,
>>>> Bernhard
>>>> On 1/23/12, Tim Quinn <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello, Bernhard.
>>>>> It looks as if there are a few mismatches between the doc and the
>>>>> code.
>>>>> You can use "-output path-to-file.jar" to override where the JAR
>>>>> file
>>>>> will be created.
>>>>> As for the directory structure, after expanding the generated JAR
>>>>> file
>>>>> you should see an appclient subdirectory. Inside there is a
>>>>> glassfish
>>>>> directory which is the location the doc means when it refers to
>>>>> "appclient_install_dir."
>>>>> - Tim
>>>>> On Jan 23, 2012, at 9:56 AM, Bernhard Thalmayr wrote:
>>>>>> Hi experts,
>>>>>> is there any documentation around for the command 'package-
>>>>>> applicent'
>>>>>> but the 'reference-guide'?
>>>>>> It seems that the documentation does not match the behaviour..
>>>>>> From the doc:
>>>>>> "Use the package-appclient command to pack the application client
>>>>>> container libraries and
>>>>>> jar files into an appclient.jar file, which is created in the
>>>>>> current
>>>>>> working directory."
>>>>>> However it seems that the 'applient.jar' file is always created in
>>>>>> <install-dir>/glassfish/lib/
>>>>>> which is suboptimal on 'UNIX' as typically the '<install-dir>' is
>>>>>> read-only for 'normal users'.
>>>>>> Also the documentation for the 'extracted appclient' seems not be
>>>>>> correct ... the structure of the extracted appliant does not match
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> one documented which makes in not that easy to follow the doc.
>>>>>> TIA,
>>>>>> Bernhard
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
>>>>>> - Painstaking Minds -
>>>>>> 83620 Vagen (Munich area)
>>>>>> Germany
>>>> --
>>>> IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
>>>> - Painstaking Minds -
>>>> 83620 Vagen (Munich area)
>>>> Germany
>> --
>> IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
>> - Painstaking Minds -
>> 83620 Vagen (Munich area)
>> Germany

IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
- Painstaking Minds -
83620 Vagen (Munich area)