Glassfish cluster setup and load distribution issues

From: <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 05:22:39 -0600 (CST)

After extensive research in the documentation and a lot of try and error, I
really would appreciate your help. Any thoughts, hints, links are welcome!

We try to setup and run a Glassfish Domain Administration Server (DAS) with a
cluster. The involved nodes are on different physical machines, but on the
same network segment. On the instances of the cluster a JEE application is
deployed, which makes use of the GF OpenMQ JMS implementation.

The instances run with embeded brokers in a conventional cluster. The setup
involves instances locally on the DAS, as well as instances on a remote
machine. One local instance with its embeded broker on the DAS we expect to
be our master broker.
This setup is only fulfilled "by random" as we observed. There is a
dependency on the startup order of instances to determine which instance gets
to be the master broker. Is this behavior intentional?

Altough we could find lots of parameters to be configured in command line
calls or configuration files in the documentation, we don't know exactly how
to configure the cluster and broker settings correctly for the intended
setting. Where and how (cli params, conf. files) should the involved settings
(e.g. imq.cluster.masterbroker, imq.cluster.brokerlist) be configured?

In our try and error runs we setup 2 local instances on the DAS. Messages
sent to the cluster were distributed between those 2 instances as expected.
Messages were sent to the first local instance, which we expect to be the
master broker. When we included a remote instance in the cluster no messages
were consumed by the remote instance. Suprisingly after stopping and starting
the first local instance, all instances (including the remote instances)
consumed messages as expected. How is this behavior explained, respectively
what is the suggested procedure to include instances (local or remote) in the
cluster and make them work as expected?

Windows 2008 Server R2 SP1 64bit
JVM 1.6.0_12-b04 Hotspot Version 64 bit Build 11.2-b01 mixed mode
Glassfish 3.1.1 build 12

Lots and pretty fundamental questions I guess, any help is very appreciated!

[Message sent by forum member 'sleis']
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