Re: GF 3.1.1: CMP migration issue ... encoding issue of umlauts

From: Andreas Loew <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 14:21:56 +0100

Are you accessing the exact same database from GF 2.x where it works and
GF 3.1.1 where it doesn't?

The reason may also be that your Oracle DB in one environment has been
created with a different NLS character set that the other or you have
different JDBC driver/connection pool properties or even environment
variables (NLS_LANG etc.) set in one environment which are different in
the other...

IMHO, I'd still continue to look for the reason outside Glassfish...



Am 17.01.2012 14:14, schrieb Bernhard Thalmayr:
> Even if I explicilty set '-Duser.language' to 'de' as 'JVM-Option' I
> still get the wrongly encoded data ?!?
> Any thoughts?
> -Bernhard
> On 1/17/12, Bernhard Thalmayr<> wrote:
>> Well it seems GF 3.1.1 set 'user.language' to value 'en'.
>> If I do a standalone test with
>> public static void main(String[] args) {
>> System.err.println("User Locale: " +
>> System.getProperty("user.language"));
>> Both JDK 7 and 6 are picking up the locale from the user ?!?
>> -Bernhard

Andreas Loew | Senior Java Architect
Oracle Advanced Customer Services
ORACLE Germany