jsp page buffer directive fails

From: <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 13:15:50 -0600 (CST)

 Hi I am running glassfish 3.1 centos linux 64bit

When i add the following to the jsp page:

 <%@ page buffer="8KB"%> I get the error PWC5993: Page directive: invalid
value for buffer

I tried without the KB same error, I tried different values same error. I am
using servlet version 3 so i decided to put it into the web.xml

<jsp-config>         <jsp-property-group>            
<url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>             <buffer>32kb</buffer>  
      </jsp-property-group>     </jsp-config>   same error. I have
tried without the kb just numbers - no luck I haven't been able to determine
how to set the page buffer or even if i need to in glassfish (I did need to
on Oracle App Server verion 10.1.3) What is the default page buffer? Is
buffering enabled by default? If not where can I enable it? And what is wrong
with the above jsp-config setting?   Sorry for the dumb questions but just
cannot find the answers :-(

[Message sent by forum member 'shewar12']
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