Glassfish 3.1 process hanging

From: <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 16:46:15 -0600 (CST)

We are running Glassfish 3.1.1 build 12 on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise,
4 GB RAM, 64-bit operating system, 4 processors, 2.93GHz.  This is our first
experiencing running an application server.  We have an application
deployed to Glassfish that is basically a handler of printing task (i.e.
application name is Taskserver).  Basically consist of JSP, Servlets,
EJB (session and mdb), utilizes JMS and has the basic configured
administered resources in Glassfish (JDBC, JMS, connection pools, etc.).

The application basically does the following:

  1) Reads entries from an AS400 data queue at a regularly interval (polling
     frequency is 2000 milliseconds)
  2) These entries are submitted to the data queue by our endusers when they
     request the printing of a shipping document (i.e. picklist,
     packlist, BOL, invoices, etc.).
  3) The data queue entries are used to create messages that are consumed by
     an MDB.  The content of the message is the information related to the
     requested print task.
  4) The message is parsed by the MDB and the task_ID is used to determine
     which bean's print method to call (i.e. PickListPrintMgr,
     PackListPrintMgr, etc.)
  5) These print manager beans get a connection to the AS400 which is used (1)
     when retrieving data from the ERP database related to the sales order
     and (2) when spooling the output back to the AS400 output queue.

Here is what is perplexing.  When volume testing this application, I will
submit over 1000 request to print a pick list.  This will either come in
one request or multiple request submitted almost simulatenously.  Glassfish
will hang and processing will stop when around 1000 of these request have
been processed (have generated a file in my output queue).  I've been
researching this issue and am curious if anyone has experienced a similar
problem?  I have turned on monitoring within Glassfish and have been examing
those logs, also looking for issues in the server log, but I've not really
sure what I should be looking for.  Anyone have any input that might be
helpful?  Where to look, what to bee looking for?  I have bumped up the
max number of connections for the connection pool, EJB and MDB settings,
but this has not seemed to have any real effect.

Thanks in advance,

[Message sent by forum member 'Randy_Dennis']
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