Re: JMQ Broker not Responding Warning

From: <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 20:17:53 -0600 (CST)

Thanks Amy for the quick response.

Are there any network issue between the systems that running the client
application and broker ?
> The system infra team says there is no network issues as per their
monitoring screen.

Is this persistent message ? Is the broker using 'jdbc' store ?
> Yes, we persist the message into Oracle Database using jdbc store.\:oracle\:thin\:@(DESCRIPTION\=(ADDRESS\=(PROTOCOL\=tcp)(HOST\=oraclesphinxedge)(PORT\=1521))(CONNECT_DATA\=(SERVICE_NAME\=prd14)))

Could you get a thread dump on the broker when this occurs ?
> We would plan to take the dump next time this happens.

If we dont see anything wrong in the dump, any other pointers to troubleshoot
is appreciated?


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