We have a VM on RedHat with GlassFish 3.1.1 that we are using as a test
original server: bndwsint01.example.org
new server: bndwsqa20.example.org
I noticed this INFO message in the GlassFish server.log file:
[] from host *bndwsint01.example.org* does not have administration access|#]
Not sure where that is coming from so I looked in the conf folder. I noticed
in the keystore.jks and cacerts.jks files it has bndwsint01.example.org for
This is what I would like to do:
Delete the default cert that we get with GlassFish but I do not have the
keystore password. We have an SSL cert that is on our production server.
I was thinking of installing it on this qa server.
Can anyone help?
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