Re: Glassfish 3.1.1 https-listener for a cluster not working

From: Bernhard Thalmayr <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 18:15:56 +0100

Have you verified that the keypair configured for the listener does exists
on the instance?

Possibly it's not a secure socket yet ... you may verify this by doing a
telnet to that port and fire a HTTP-request manually...

telnet <ip-of-your-instance> 28181

if you get a 'connect' enter

GET / HTTP/1.0

if you don't get a 'connect', you may try 'openssl' client to see if
ssl-handshake works

openssl s_client -connect <ip-of-your-instance>:28181


On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 5:21 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a cluster and an instance created with the default http-listener-1
> and
> http-listener-2 under Configurations->My-cluster-**config->Network
> Config->Network Listeners.
> Below are the configurations of http-listener-2
> Name: http-listener-2 Protocol: http-listener-2 [1] Status: Enabled
> Security:
> Enabled JK Listener: Enabled If selected, listener is an Apache mod-jk
> listener Port: The port on which the network listener is listening
> Address: The IP address on which the network listener is listening
> Transport: tcp [2] Thread Pool: The thread pool associated
> Note: HTTP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT=28181 which is defined
> Clusters->My-cluster->**Properties
> SSL3: Enabled TLS: Enabled Client Authentication: Enabled Requires the
> client
> to authenticate itself to the server. Certificate NickName: Takes a
> single value, identifies the server's keypair and certificate. Key Store:
> Name of the keystore file (for example, keystore.jks) Trust Algorithm:
> Name of the trust management algorithm (for example, PKIX) to use for
> certification path validation Max Certificate Length: Maximum number of
> non-self-issued intermediate certificates that can exist in a certification
> path (valid only if Trust Algorithm is PKIX) Trust Store: Name of the
> truststore file (for example, cacerts.jks)
> I have an application deployed and when I click "Launch" link from
> Applications->my-app, I can see the following two links:
>**app <>
> (works fine)
>**app <>
> (doesn't work -- the message in Firefox is
> "the connection has timed out. The server at is taking too
> long
> to respond." No message shows up in server.log)
> I replaced "${HTTP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT}" by "28181" directly in
> Configurations->My-cluster-**config->Network Config->Network
> Listeners->Port,
> restarted domain, cluster and instance, the 28181 link is still not
> working.
> I also tried to create aonther http-listener for https with a different
> port,
> it is not working either.
> Any help will be appreciated!
> [1] https://cygnus.****
> web/grizzly/protocolEdit.jsf?**name=http-listener-2&amp;**
> configName=access-manager-**cluster-config<>
> [2] https://cygnus.****
> web/grizzly/transportEdit.jsf?**name=tcp&amp;configName=**
> access-manager-cluster-config<>
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'wlin']
> View Post:**881572<>

IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
- Painstaking Minds -
83620 Vagen (Munich area)