glassfish version 2.1.1

From: Sailesh <>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 16:20:23 +0400

Dear Sir,


I have Glassfish version 2.1.1 installed on my Solaris 10 (Sparc) box which
is accessing my oracle database through JDBC connections. Due to the
criticality of the application we have 3 application servers which are
running on T1000 sun server . We have around 100 concurrent users. All
servers have 32 GB of RAM and 2 GB of heap size.


Previously we had 2.0 Glass fish version installed. We had upgrade to 2.1.1
because we were unable to access the monitoring on the glass fish console.
Before upgrading to 2.1.1, very often we were getting users complaining that
the page cannot be displayed. We had checked whether the glassfish is
running in the background, yes it is running in the background but still we
cannot access the application.


After upgrade we had encountered another problem where the users cannot
login into application. The jdbc cannot execute the queries for the
application. I had to restart the database for it to kill all the sessions.
I want to know is there any bug on the 2.1.1 version of glassfish related to


Please note on this new version of glassfish (2.1.1) I am using java
1.6.0_21 64 bit version.


