The problem area has been found. We need to know the best method to replace
the two lines of code we commented out. Here is what we found.
Glassfish 3.1.1 Security does not play well with old RMI security (JDK1.2
vintage). Furthermore, once the old RMI security has messed with the mind
of GF3.1.1 security the GF security truly believes it has in some cases no
permission to read its own server.log file.
Here is the offending code commented out in the Server Client Adapter
(client wrapper):
Note: this is legacy rmi code. i.e. manually executed rmic on the appropriate
classfiles as this was originally created for java 1.2.
*// if(System.getSecurityManager() == null)
// System.setSecurityManager(new
remote =
A thank you goes out to
[1]even if it is five years old.
Again, this is using the original version of RMI. How do we re-implement
the RMI Security Manager without offending GF 3.1.1 security?
[Message sent by forum member 'rdblaha1']
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