Re: Glassfh 3.1 cluster configuration

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2011 11:59:46 -0500

When a cluster instance is restarted, it's configuration is synchronized
with the DAS. If you manually edit the domain.xml file for an instance,
it is expected that those changes will be lost when the cluster is
restarted. Clustered instances are supposed to stay in sync with the
information that is on the DAS.

It is possible to set custom settings for the cluster config. Use the
--target option when doing this. For example, to set a JVM option for
clustered instances in "cluster1", do:

asadmin create-jvm-options --target cluster1-config -Da=b

As another example, you can also set system properties for specific
instances in a cluster. So if instance i1 is in cluster1, one could do:

asadmin create-system-properties --target i1 a=b
