Re: GF 3.1 and websocket draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-10

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2011 14:03:17 -0700

I have some updates in grizzly 1.9 (the version that ships with
glassfish 3.1.*) to push support up through -13. Draft 10 still says
the version is 8, actually, so there's not much to do to "support" draft
10. Even draft 17 is only protocol version 13 and the changes in the
spec version relate mostly to language changes in the document rather
than actual protocol changes. Updating to the latest grizzly (1.9.36)
will get up to draft -08. Draft -09 is a noop and -10 is just language
changes. To upgrade your grizzly download this script:

cd to the modules directory of your glassfish instance and run the
script passing in 1.9.36. It will download the bits from maven and
update your grizzly jars with the new ones. Start glassfish back and up
you should be set. If the browser claims that glassfish doesn't know
-10 then someone messed up. It should just be reporting a version of
"8" to the server. If it complains, let us know and we'll dig in to it.

On 10/3/11 10:36 AM, wrote:
> Is anybody else using tge websocket feature in GF 3.1 and have recently
> been hit by the Firefox and Chrome 14 updates? Both browser now
> supports hybi-10 draft.
> Any suggestions or known workarounds from other users out there?
> Has there been any response from the Glassfish team regarding this?