Re: CAN NOT DEPLOY nd RUN a Custom STS under GF Glassfish 3.1.x

From: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 06:10:12 -0500 (CDT)

I have been solving this problem.  I customize the sun-jaxws.xml file , and
add to them all neseesary information relevant from @WebService(..)
annotation.  I  used binding for SOAP 1.2 ,   It works on GF 3.0.1 , 3.1 ,
3.1.1 versions of Glassfish which I have been Tested.  I have uncomment the
mapping for XXPwbSTSService in the /web/WEB-INF/web.xml file.  It was added
to the web.xml ; <listener> for metro .
I deleted the webservices.xml file from /web/WEB-INF/ and instead this file
the sun-jaxws.xml file. The webservices.xml file is not needed.  First I do
this work on GF 3.0.1 with Nb 6.9.1 which allow me to better debug/log the
problems with STS WAR archive. When i want to move my STS WAR archive on
other GF serer i need change/customize 3 files : (wsdl on 2 places
/src/conf/xml-resources/... and web/WEB-INF/wsdl/STSServiceName/STSName.wsdl
) and catalog.xml and /WarName/nbproject/jax-ws.xml .

[Message sent by forum member 'tomekxx11']
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