GF 3.1.1: Deployment Error for JEE 1.4 style EJB

From: Bernhard Thalmayr <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 18:15:50 +0200

Hi experts,
I'm trying to deploy a simple EJB module (consisting of a basic
stateless session bean).

The stateless session bean uses a class from an utility jar, packaged
into the module.

When trying to deploy it using 'asadmin' I get the error

"remote failuer: Error occured during deployment: Exception while
loading the app : EJB Container initialization error. Please see
server.log for more details."

Unfortunately there's no information in the server.log at all.

Even if I set loglevel for '....container.ejb' and ''
to 'FINER' nothing shows up in the log.

I suspect it's a classloading issue.

If put the following entry in MANIFEST.MF

"Class-Path: <utility-jar>"

Any pointers available?


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