Re: Gzip compression in Glassfish 3 - doesn't work

From: Richard Kolb <>
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 15:43:46 +0200

Hi BradVido

On 25 August 2011 22:42, <> wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out why enabling Gzip compression to forced will not
> Gzip my test .jsp page.
> See this video here: [1]
> Also, I posted details to my question on stackoverflow:
> compression-does-not-work-for-**jsp<>
> [2]
> Does anyone have an idea why it's not compressing?

Thanks for the video.
I remember this came up before Glassfish 3.0 was released as a part of

I think the problem you are having is because you are only setting the one
listener 'http-listener-1' and you need to set 'http-listener-2' as well.
(perhaps you did this, but did not show it in the video ?)

If all else fails, please send your domain.xml
