Re: NoSuchMethodException Error on GF 3.1.1 on IBM PPC AIX with J9 JVM

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 12:07:19 -0500

The OS.isAix() method call in GlassFish looks at the "" system
property that is set by the JVM to see if it contains "AIX"
(case-insensitive compare). If you run a small Java program that prints
about System.getProperty(""), you could see what the value is for
your system.


On 9/30/2011 12:00 PM, Pete Helgren wrote:
> I wonder if "OS/400" is being returned as the OS in this particular
> environment? The full story is that I am running on IBM i version 6.1.
> IBM i has an environment called PASE (Portable Application Solutions
> Environment) that is basically an AIX 5.3 runtime environment. Most
> apps that run in Linux or AIX run comfortably in PASE. But I don't
> know what a call to determine the OS would return here.
> I am not much of a *NIX guy but if there is a command I can run that
> would emulate the steps that determine OS in the GF code, I could run
> it and see what OS it returns in PASE.
> Pete Helgren
> Value Added Software, Inc
> GIAC Secure Software Programmer-Java
> On 9/29/2011 11:48 AM, Tom Mueller wrote:
>> This fix that was checked in for issue 16574 was to put an "if
>> (!OS.isAix())" block around the code that calls the
>> getTotalPhysicalMemorySize method. Essentially, this eliminates the
>> exception message in the log, and causes the physical memory size to
>> not be available on AIX.
>> If you have build 12, I'm curious as to why you are seeing this since
>> you should have the fix.
>> Tom
>> On 9/29/2011 10:39 AM, Pete Helgren wrote:
>>> I am getting a java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
>>> error on a Glassfish 3.1.1 (build 12). In searching for a solution,
>>> it looks like this was fixed in build 5 (
>>> )
>>> Running AIX 5L™ 5.3, Technology Level 6 with the following JVM:
>>> java version "1.6.0"
>>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build
>>> pap3260sr8ifix-20100709_01(SR8+IZ75061))
>>> IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 OS/400 ppc-32
>>> jvmap3260sr8-20100412 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
>>> J9VM - 20100401_055940
>>> JIT - r9_20100401_15339
>>> GC - 20100308_AA)
>>> JCL - 20100405_01
>>> Curious as to what the fix was and whether there is a workaround for
>>> the SEVERE error thrown by GF.
>>> Thanks