Re: Changing MDB max-pool-size after deploy

From: Cheng Fang <>
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 11:18:27 -0400

glassfish-*.xml (sun-*.xml) deployment descriptors are in the same
directory as their corresponding standard descriptors, for example:

When you deploy a directory (as opposed to a packaged app or module),
the directory is expected to follow the same structure as inside a
packaged archive.


On 8/31/11 5:59 PM, Jackson, Brian R. wrote:
> Cheng,
> I haven't found where these values live in an exploded fashion under
> those directories. Am I missing where the sun-*.xml deployment
> descriptor files 'explode' to?
> Thanks,
> Brian
> On 8/25/11 4:34 PM, "Cheng Fang" <> wrote:
> I can't think of any ways to programmatically modify this setting,
> but you can try in command line " To Reload Changes to
> Applications or Modules Dynamically"
> -cheng
> On 8/24/11 12:52 PM, Jackson, Brian R. wrote:
> Changing MDB max-pool-size after deploy Is there a way to
> change the max-pool-size setting on my MDB(s) that I've set in
> the sun-ejb-jar.xml without having to redeploy? I was hoping
> for a JMX setting but the only one I've found changes the
> default max-pool-size but since I've overridden that value it
> doesn't affect my MDBs.
> Thanks,
> Brian R. Jackson
> Fantasy Engineer
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