I have been facinated by the Glassfish3.1 offering specially full featured
impl. of EJB3.1 specs. One of the main feature, singleton have been looking
forward for long time and now 3.1 also have clusters. After I did small test
on this, confirmed that SIngleton in Cluster maintains the status across
different Client Invocations. However, there results were not encouraging
when Singleton tested across cluster, singleton was not cluster aware. Yes
agree that EJB3.1 specs does not mention anything on Cluster support but few
blogs and articles where mentioning that vendors will support it with late
latency. This I didn't find in Glassfish3.1 and just wanted to confirm with
the Glassfish3.1 developers that does this observation stays correct or have
I did some mistake in my test.
Appreciate your quick response.
[Message sent by forum member 'ashishkp']
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