Re: Bundle warning messages: MDBContainer/Current thread done cleanup message, Bundle already deployed

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 17:32:30 +0530

On Thursday 26 May 2011 04:57 PM, Robert Weeks wrote:
> I am actually concerned about the message:
>> Bundle com.ext_inc.systemmanager.SystemManager [265] is already deployed at
>> How are you deploying your bundle? Which GF build are you using?
> This was my bigger concern as well - I am using 3.1 release.
> We deploy in the autodeploy/bundles directory (we have many other bundles running as well in this manner).
> Our "SystemManager" bundle is using Declarative Services to register servlets and other resources.
> The SystemManager is registered as a Service, and using DS one of the servlets is trying to bind to it - which does work fine - but when restarting the server - the message above is coming about (only on this bundle).
> This seems to only happen when using this (with the @Component annotation - using bnd to build the bundle) - example (we derive the alias dynamically, which is why that property is not a part of the @Component annotation on this one):
> @Component(provide = HttpServlet.class)
> public class SystemManagerProxy extends SystemManagerServletSupport {
> private SystemManagerService systemManager;
> private HttpService http;
> ...
> protected void setHttp(HttpService http) {
> this.http = http;
> registerHttpResources();
> }
> protected void unsetHttp(HttpService http) {
> unregisterHttpResources();
> this.http = null;
> }
> protected void setSystemManager(SystemManagerService systemManager) {
> this.systemManager = systemManager;
> }
> protected void unsetSystemManager(SystemManagerService systemManager) {
> this.systemManager = null;
> }
> }
> bnd file before compilation:
> Service-Component: com.ext_inc.systemmanager.servlets.SystemManagerProxy;\
> http=org.osgi.service.http.HttpService;\
> systemManager=com.ext_inc.systemmanager.service.SystemManagerService
> which creates the xml file like:
> OSGI-INF/com.ext_inc.systemmanager.servlets.SystemManagerProxy.xml
> Which has:
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
> <component name='com.ext_inc.systemmanager.servlets.SystemManagerProxy'>
> <implementation class='com.ext_inc.systemmanager.servlets.SystemManagerProxy'/>
> <service>
> <provide interface='javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet'/>
> </service>
> <reference name='systemManager' interface='com.ext_inc.systemmanager.service.SystemManagerService' bind='setSystemManager' unbind='unsetSystemManager'/>
> <reference name='http' interface='org.osgi.service.http.HttpService' bind='setHttp' unbind='unsetHttp'/>
> </component>
> I am not sure if I am not doing something correctly here or just missing something.
> I am registering the service in my activator start|stop:
> start:
> props.put(Constants.SERVICE_PID, "com.ext_inc.systemmanager.SystemManagerService");
> context.registerService(SystemManager.ServiceReference, sysMgr, props);
> stop:
> context.ungetService(context.getServiceReference(SystemManager.ServiceReference));
> Thanks for any insight.
Clean your server.log, restart GF and send me the new server.log. Pl.
make sure it contains that "already deployed" message. Let me see what's
going on.
