I have created a SOAP WSDL with multiple operations associated to a single
binding port. Now i would like to set different policies for each operation.
If i have two SOAP operations viz addNums and subNums associated to a single
binding port type, then i would attach a policy to addNums to look for
authentication to a File Realm and to subNums to look for authentication to a
Ldap realm. Is it possible to do that ? Please find the below WSDL.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This file is auto-generated by CASA. Edit its content manually may cause
unrecoverable errors. -->
I would like to know whether the policy is attched only at a binding/service
level rather than at an operation level ? Please find the below WSDL for SOAP
webservice which is working fine with a single operation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This file is auto-generated by CASA. Edit its content manually may cause
unrecoverable errors. -->
I believe we can do the same in EJB using annotations for each webservice
operation ( @RolesAllowed("TEST") ) and map groups to these roles. Do we have
any ways to implement in Open Esb ?