from glassf2.1 to 3.1 :(

From: <>
Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 11:04:29 -0500 (CDT)

Good afternoon! I am working in a project that have the next structure:

  1) <application>
  2)   <display-name>photogallery_app</display-name>
  3)   <module>
  4)     <ejb>photogallery_kernel-1.0.jar</ejb>
  5)   </module>
  6)   <module>
  7)     <java>photogallery_gui-1.0.jar</java>
  8)   </module>
  9) </application>

The main project is an ear named *photogallery_app-1.0. ear* that contains an
ejb module (kernel) and a jar module (client swing application) in. Once
deployed to glassfissh (without no problems) I cannot access from the gui
(the client application) to the ejb's!! I don't know why, with glassfish
2.1,  I work too with the @Remote, @Stateless anotations, without properties
and to access to the ejb I do only InitialContext.doLookup("interface bean
name") and voila! but now no. What happens?  I've tried many things with
non-exit. I do not see errors too in the java web start console :( !

I paste some code that I have:

/In kernel jar../ @Stateless public class GestionarUsuarisBean implements
GestionarUsuaris { ... } @Remote public interface GestionarUsuaris { ... }
/In gui jar.../ GestionarUsuaris gestor = (GestionarUsuaris)
InitialContext.doLookup(GestionarUsuaris.class.getName()); -->in glassfish
2.1 this functions! in 3.1 no   And that's all, sorry for my english :)
thanks a lot people! Jordi


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