On 5 May 2011 14:01, <forums_at_java.net> wrote:
> An application EAR of about 25MB, when deployed into GF 2.1.1, takes the
> process memory occupation to 190MB.
> When deployed into GF 3.1, it takes it up to 600MB !
> Memory data is taken from Windows task mgr.
> Platform is Win7 Pro, JDK 1.6.0_24.
> How could this difference be explained ? Does GF3 need that much memory ?
Did you run Glassfish 2.1.1 and Glassfish 3 on the same computer ?
If Glassfish was run on a 32 bit machine and the other on a 64 bit machine ,
that may explain some difference.
Java 7 should be better with pointer compression I hear.