RE: Glassfish - Webservice security

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 14:56:39 -0400

if your http-server will implement SSL implement the mod_ssl module on Apache

if your appServer is implementing SSL at the transport level then:
"To configure SSL for your application, follow these steps:

 Select one of the mechanisms that require SSL. These include
Transport Security (SSL),
Message Authentication over SSL, and
SAML Authorization over SSL. Server Configuration GlassFish is
already configured for SSL. No further SSL configuration is necessary if
 you are using Transport Security.However, if you are using one of the
Message Security mechanisms with SSL, you must update the GlassFish
certificates as described in Updating GlassFish Certificates. Configure a user on GlassFish as described in Adding Users to GlassFish. Client Configuration
For configuring your system for SSL in order to work through the
examples in this tutorial, the same keystore and truststore files are
used for both the client and the service. This obviates the needs to set
 system properties to point to the client stores, as both GlassFish and
NetBeans are aware of these certificates and point to them by default. ..."</snip>example and tutorial is located at:
if your webservice is securing the messages individually then implement the Rampart Module
to be engaged on Axis2 web-services
feel feel free to ping me offline for implementation and/or coding details
Martin Gainty
Jogi és Bizalmassági kinyilatkoztatás/Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
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Subject: Glassfish - Webservice security
Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 16:51:39 +0200

Hi everyone,


    I’m trying to develop an
application exposing some webservices.

I’d like to secure them with ws-security, does
anyone already done this kind of things because I’m quite stucked on the


I’ve successfully do it with Basic
authentication, but I’ve to do it with ws-security and configuration (of
sun-web.xml I suppose?) is not so intuitive and I cannot find any good example
on the web


I’m using glassfish v2.1.


Some precision: I would prefer to expose my
webservices not using EJB pattern, if possible…


Thanks in advance


